Monday, November 19, 2007

“Good night, trees” and other Mariah-isms

This is a place I plan to just post cute comments from Mariah as they come. Check this one out regularly--she's always saying something noteworthy! :)

  • 11/18/07 Upon looking at the trees in their waning Autumn beauty, and our discussion of how they were going dormant, she said, “Good night, trees.” Good night, indeed. We'll miss you until March.
  • 11/29/07 At a restaurant the other night, looking into the candle flame, Mariah relayed how one of her grandmas said that when people look at fire they don't think. I didn't notice she'd been looking at the candle, so I asked, "What brought that up?" To which she replied, of course: "Well, I'm looking at the fire and I'm thinking." Bravo! Now maybe we can get working on improving that multi-tasking. :)
  • 12/03/07 When discussing the lyrics to "Down to the River to Pray," Mariah asked me about robes and crowns. I explained to her that, when we get to heaven, we all get a robe and a crown, and others may get other types of robes and crowns. She then asked, "Is it gonna be like a carnival?"
  • 2/2/08 When shopping for a friend's birthday party, we were picking out webkinz. Littlekinz are less expensive. Asking which we should get for her friend, she asked: "Who's buying?"
  • 2/14/08 When discussing family relationships, Mariah was saying how much she loved me and her daddy. Somehow we got from there onto the topic of enjoying each other's company and I was told that although I was dearly loved and my company was enjoyed; however, I wasn't cool and I sometimes could be known to "cramp her style."
  • 10/30/09 "[My friend] is in some ways more mature than me and in some ways less. She's kinda like a stupid adult."

1 comment:

Laceys said...

I wonder if Mariah could give a few examples of whom she considers to be stupid adults...just so we have a reference point.