... seriously folks—and so do many Americans. So it's primary day in Ohio. I've been offered rides to the voting polls (by
Obama's "people"), called, mailed, harassed for days. It's over, thankfully, but I still have the clamor in my head. And it reached fever pitch today, so I just have to fulminate a bit to purge. On the way to the polls this morning, I heard an ad for Hillary where a woman was saying that Hillary understood the "plight" of such-and-such major demographic (parents I think). WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT??! There is no major demographic in the United States in
plight. I think, arguably, there is no person in the United States truly in plight--at least the kind a government entity can fix. We have it so good. We really do. It's just ridiculous to think of using the word "plight" to describe the common, everyday situation of Americans.
In other news, some ignorant people in VT did this ludicrous thing:
http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN0454699420080305Hmm. As an American, I'm torn between patriotism and buying maple syrup only from Canada now. Not really. I'm headin' north, eh?
Then there's the weird thing about
Barack Hussein
Obama. His frenzied following and apparent distaste for his own middle name ... and a wife that is ashamed to be American. My mom, who has lived through a few wars, just had a birthday (I won't say how old, but something I'm going to publish for her here will give you a clue), and was, well, "outraged" at her comments. She put it into words and I helped her send it to some appropriate places.
Hmm, and I always thought I took more after Dad. Well, she can fulminate with the best of us--maybe I'm rubbing off on her?
Upon hearing Michelle Obama speak the other night, I couldn't sleep until I wrote this down and sent it to her at her husband's campaign website. I thought you might agree with my thoughts and be willing to pass them on. Let's get the word out before the primaries are over!
Outrage is not pithy! After being bombarded by the press, by millions of "Americans," by commentators extolling the rare qualities of Obama's speeches, what I've heard is "we ought to be ashamed of ourselves for liberating a people whose leader was a horrible tyrant! Let us just mind our own business and cower in our huge corner of the world."
Democracy is not for the faint of heart.
Outrage is for those of us who have seen a proud, God-fearing nation fall to its knees and quaver at the thought of protecting the weak and hopeless. Who said you're not your brother's keeper??
And as long as we were the keeper, all was well with America. I know. Yes, we had hardships; we had our men bloodied & killed. And we, the families, endured, trusted, sacrificed, and prayed. Mrs. Obama, do you know what the word sacrifice means?
Have you ever cut out cardboard to put into your shoes to walk to school? Have you ever eaten hollihocks, roses, clover, and hullapples because you were so hungry?
Born between '35 & '40 to parents who had 9 children; the 4th of four girls with four younger brothers and a baby sister, I know something of sacrifice. But I never, ever wanted to be in another country. This is my country, and I'm proud of it. But I was not proud when I heard you speak and even worse, when the people of this country cheered!
That, Mrs. Obama, is outrage--that no one stood up. Outrage that it was swept under the closest carpet you could find. And with outrage and deep, deep sadness that MY nation has come to this pitiful, stooped, quavering state. Where would you and your husband be today if we had not rallied when FDR gave the call to WAR? I was in 1st grade and all our teachers were crying and sent us home.
Even then, we knew something dreadful had happened--our world had changed. We didn't just have higher prices on gas--we were rationed! On food, sugar, chocolate, shoes--without a stamp, you couldn't buy. Yet instead of marching and denouncing our leaders, we put cardboard in our shoes, we walked, and we prayed. I don't want to see someone in the "people's White House" that wasn't proud to be an American, with all that this country had given to you and your husband. And if you are only proud when you are being given everything from this country, that is an outrage.
BTW, Happy Birthday, Mom! Love ya!
Since you know I don't "do" cards, will this do? :D