It's not that I don't have anything to say ... it's that I am lacking in energy and motivation for some strange reason. ;) Despite illness, it's been a busy winter, which makes busy less fun and leaves less time for other things. Yep, I'm still sick. Rog is still sick. Ri is finally well, PTL. But no one is horribly ill any more at least. Pregnancy is going pretty well, but they have moved up the delivery date into February, as Jules is starting to grow faster than she should and it's getting harder to control my diabetes. Dr. yesterday gave me 5 refills on the meds saying I would probably need them after delivery. :( Let's hope and pray not.
At any rate, I'm glad to see a delivery in sight, although I still feel there's so much to do. But all that will come, and I have been making headway. Will post pics of nursery soon. Here are a few pics from Christmas. Can't say there were many to choose from. Just didn't get the camera out enough and the new cell phones aren't talking to my computer to download pics from them either. Not really any good pics of the belly either, but a nice "Fonzy" shot of me in a new jacket that barely fits over it. :) All in all, it was a nice Christmas. I just wish we all would have felt better. Many were either sick or just getting over something.

Now onto the haiku!
Hmm options are ...
laundry detergent, the tags on clothes, online games, snow, being pregnant, exotic foods, prunes, or oil changes, and buckeyes. Almost makes me want to try putting as many as possible into one. If anyone succesfully gives it a shot, they get 500 points. Don't ask me what they're good for, but you get 500 of 'em and that's more than anyone else will get.
Laundry detergent is too close to bleach, so I'm going for tags.
Clothing tags, here today, gone tomorrow?A haiku lament
Like 'em or hate 'em
You might miss 'em when it's all
Just print on fabric.
Ooh, and the reason to lament ...
Laundry detergent
is so strong nowadays that
it eats off print tags.
Now what are we gonna do when we need to know the washing instructions and what size that knit shirt was?! A few washes, and it's chaos I tell you!
Well, that's 2 off my list. Anyone else wanna give 'em a shot?