As many of you may know, my mother has been struggling with heart issues and the fallout from her heart surgery back in March. This would explain my lack of much online activity, if the baby thing didn't do the job for you. Yes, it never rains, it pours. Despite the incredibly bad timing of both events together (not that anything could be done about either), I find that, while having a new baby has made everything much more difficult in dealing with the situation with my mother, in a way the timing was impeccable. Without the joy (despite the challenges) of my new daughter, the days now turning to months of watching my mother languish would have been much darker. I would like to think that, even if she doesn't make it, Mom also was slightly distracted from her misery by the blessed event. Sadly, it seemingly did not bring about as much for her as I'd hoped, but that is due to many extenuating circumstances I won't go into here. Which reminds me to ask my readers to pray for her. She is still in a very tenuous condition in the hospital. Thankfully, however, she is saved. I could fulminate about the state of medicine and the horrible experience we've been having with several doctors, but I'll leave it at the statement that I'm terribly frustrated and disappointed--actually angry--at the "pass the buck" mentality and lack of listening to family members who have valuable information about my mother's state.
These events made Mother's Day last week bittersweet. I wonder if it is the last I will have with any progenitor. But I was able to celebrate with my mother-in-law, and, of course, my wonderful family. They and my church and work families have all been very helpful and supportive during this difficult time. I've been blessed.
Here's a picture taken on Mother's Day 2010. I hope it was a good day for my readers, whether mothers themselves or celebrating their mothers or their memory (Julia, by the way, is the name of my paternal grandmother whom I never met). The gift of motherhood is wonderful. God is good.