But we made the best of it. :)
During one of the storms, my mom needed to go to the hospital--dehydrated from a nasty stomach virus. And again a few days later when things took longer to clear up than expected.
But then, we did get a chance to go down to the cabin, and although it was cold down there, too, it was a little nicer than home.
And then the following 2 weeks we all fought a nasty head/chest cold. Ri and I are still coughing a little, actually.
And the coupe de gras. Having the vaporizer running in Ri's room for her cough, she bumped it and got a nasty burn on her leg. We were treating it at home, but we thought it was taking a turn for the worst, so we took her to the hospital last night, where they removed the top layer of skin. If you think this looks nasty, you should have seen it with the bad/dead skin still on it. Turns out, we'd done everything all right and she is well on her way to recovery.
This brings me to a prayer request and a praise:
Healing, of course, for the wound, as well as her to be able to get around. It hurts her to walk--I supposed the skin moves and stretches, and it's very raw. We're not quite sure how things are going to work at school this week.
Now the praise: when this happened, it was bedtime, and Rog was out working in the back garage. I had gone out to ask him to come in to pray with her. Poor Ri had pulled off her wet, burning pajama pants and put a cool wet cloth in it on her own before I came back in and realized what had happened. We figure God had helped her know just what to do to keep it from getting worse, rather than waiting for me to come back in and giving the burning longer to cause more damage. And the hospital said it really looked good considering.
So, hopefully March will be better, and we will be able to blog a bit more and stay well. Hope everyone else had a better February, and is looking forward to Spring! :)
Poor you, and poor Ri! Hope you're both doing well and that March treats you lambishly, rather than lionishly! :o)
I'm praying for Ri. Hope she's feeling better soon :) March has GOT to be better.
Without reading the accompanying text, Mariah's cousins guessed that the red mark on her leg was a tatoo of the Barbie logo from Barbie's web site. Way to go, Mariah! Now that they know what it really is, they will be praying for it to go away.
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