So, the next blood test is back and the results were negative: meaning that the first test that showed antibody M was a false positive. Basically what this means is that we don't have to worry about my blood attacking the baby's blood--much like an Rh factor issue. Thanks again for your prayers on that one. The Lord is good.
I was reminded that I've never given a due date, although I think from the info I've given one could calculate, but that's too much work. :) Officially according to measurement it's March 10, but according to dates, it's March 3, so I think it's safe to say early March. This puts me at 10.5 weeks.
Other details you may or may not be craving: Yes, I am sick, but not too bad--and it's worse at night and after meals. Not really showing yet, and I've actually lost weight so far (altho I could use to lose more). Yes, we are planning to find out gender when the time comes (20 weeks). No, I'm not planning to go natural. (We're so untraditional.) For various reasons, I think it's a boy, but, hey, I've got a 50/50 chance of being right. We do still have the nursery set up nursery-ish, but we don't have a lot of stuff we kept. I've still got to go through some stuff in the attic and see what we've got (too hot now). Everyone's been great and supportive. I'm really blessed. Other details are probably still to be decided.