Well, I'm having a bit of a roller-coaster. Everything seems fine from the sonograms, but I'm still having a bit of bleeding (it's been on and off for a month, but seems to be getting worse, and I've had my worst episode yet on Saturday). This "getting worse" trend precipitated the latest sonogram on Wed. (which otherwise, I wouldn't have had). Since everything looked great, I'm not super-worried, but any bleeding, of course, is a concern, so I've been instructed to stay off my feet and keep them up for the weekend. I suppose I'll go back to the Dr. tomorrow. So please pray that everything is ok and that the bleeding stops and that some of the herbal remedies I've been taking will be helpful and not harmful (kelp and raspberry, which a few friends of mine swear by for such things). For reference, I'm just over 12 weeks, and in the latest sonogram, there was a heartbeat and I did see the baby move. What a relief! I still don't feel anything though.

I will certainly be praying for you. I know the roller coaster ride you're going through right now, albeit second hand. God is in control, and from the pictures you baby looks, well, like a baby. Isn't that great? And it's heart is beating? Think positive, and stay off your feet, girl!
Trent asked if "God taught Adam how to get a baby out since there weren't any doctors yet." Heather suggested that he should write that question down for Pastor to answer during Awana question night.
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