Friday, February 5, 2010

Lazy Haiku

It's been a busy week, what with 4 Dr. appointments and being on the phone all week for other various reasons. No traditional Super Bowl party this weekend. I'm already still sick, so we don't need another traditional sickness to get us again, plus I'm behind on housework. I thought you were supposed to get this nesting instinct ... well, if I have it, it's buried beneath exhaustion.

So, now that I've set up my excuse, here's my lazy haiku of the week:

Note the shirt description as well. :) Looks like a fun place to work if you could write up shirt descriptions like that all the time.

No new news on anything else: baby is looking good still, and I'm doing ok, considering. And, as promised, here's some photos of the baby shower last week. :)

Don't have pictures of all of the guests, but you get the idea. They are busily working on either their haikus, the game to match biblical female names with info about them, or eating. :)

A good time was had by all, I think.

1 comment:

Judi Hahn said...

Today we have snow
Will it snow again tomorrow?
I truly hope so.