Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stupid parents and Disney (cough) gets something right

So, what do you find most annoying about TV (in particular children's) programs? The mile-a-second, loud, idiotic inanity? Well, while those are up there on my list, the thing that most bothers me is the stupid parents. Most of the time, it's the dad (or he's the stupidest of the 2--if there are 2). This is also compounded by the "peer"ing of the adults with the children, or, in fact, the reversal of roles. The parent is behaving childishly, or wrongs the child, and the child has the "right" to punish the parent until they get it right. Now, don't get me wrong: my parenting style (as my friends--and daughter--will attest) is very candid. I admit when I'm wrong and ask forgiveness if necessary. I acknowledge that I am somewhat inadequate as just a human that battles with sin and selfishness, yet have this important and sometimes seemingly monumental task. But do I give up my God-given role of benevolent authority, guide, and discipline administrator? Not on your life. I love my daughter too much to let her have her own way when it's not in her best interest, and, thank God, I have His help. :) I want her to be a child that others want to be around, and I want her to have a good, long life, but I digress.

Why is the stupid parent thing such a big deal, anyway, you may wonder? Well, think about the established roles God has laid out for a happy family. Who is the head? Who does this represent? Is the Head "qualified"? Does He deserve respect and obedience? Are His decisions wise? Who's the judge? Who administers discipline? Who wrongs whom? Do you see a problem? The marriage/family is under subtle attack, and, in the process, God's plans for us as Creator, and even God Himself.

What's all this got to do with Disney, you say? Well, surprisingly, there is a program that I can find little wrong with. And it has a smart, loving, disciplining, and protective father. Believe it or not, Hannah Montana has a lot going for it (at least so far). For a program dealing with teenagers, it's also pretty family friendly. Are there better things your child could watch? Of course. But I have to give credit where credit is due. And of all places, Disney! Hard to figure out, when seemingly half of their other shows (and other networks for that matter) involve "powers," witchcraft, eastern elemental magic, etc. With so little to choose from, it's refreshing to have a choice that doesn't give you too much to worry about.

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