Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's Not Friday!

What's wrong with this blog? No posting last Friday and now one on Wednesday. Oh, the drama! Well, Lord willing, we'll be back to regular haiku posting this Friday. And maybe a picture of our tree with lots of presents underneath that have been keeping me busy.

So, for those interested in an explanation as to why no blog last week, please refer to my Fridays stink blog. The rest of ya, just keep reading here.

So the interesting things this week are: I'm still sick; Ri is sick again; Julia is well and kickin' (about 3 lbs. and growing at a normal rate--58%ile); diabetes is going pretty well; I'm in my 3rd trimester (can you believe it??); Christmas shopping is almost done; I'm actually getting to take some much-needed vacation the last 3 weeks this year. I was thinking about taking a pregnancy picture, but I'm sure we'll get some at Christmas, so that's not too far off. But here's a good face-shot of Julia I just got on Monday:

See her big eyes and chubby cheeks? The doctor said I would be grateful to know that the baby had a small head, so Rog has been looking at me a little suspiciously. (Hehe, not really.) Other features of note were her small chin, little bit of hair, long legs, and overall good size. She put on a good show, too, blinking and hiccuping, after playing with her feet. Such a blessing to have this technology! Makes me want that much more to really see her and try to match her looks with these precious images. But that'll come soon enough.

Now, some fun and frivolity are in order--to kick off the season.
Some interesting things I've either found, or that others have passed along on the web:
Just so you don't think that I've gone for the commercial and trite side of Christmas, note the link to the AiG article for some serious discussion of what the holiday really should be about--yet as with many such Christian issues, there is freedom with discernment. I thought the author gave some good pointers to think about to help with the decision regarding how to approach Christmas.

That's all until Friday. Enjoy some of the silliness until then. I've been challenged with some new haiku topics that I will attempt to tackle. Check last post's comments if you want in on the action. I hope everyone else is well out there in blogland.

1 comment:

The Lady of the Holler said...

Love those little glimpses of Julia in utero! So sweet! Can't wait to meet her!