Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was good. Ours was pretty nice. I found enough to eat, despite the diabetes and even had some pie. :) Baby still won't cooperate and move when others are around, but I guess that will come. Now for the Haiku challenge:
Ways to eat eggs on Thanksgiving
Poached eggs for breakfast
Eggs in pumpkin, pecan pies
Eggs in the eggnog.
I'm thankful for eggs--a good source of protein for a diabetic that doesn't like meat that much. Well, at least that's some ways that I ate eggs yesterday. Good thing that cholesterol doesn't matter during pregnancy! What are you thankful for and what did you eat yesterday? Eggs? And which came first? The turkey or the eggs? :)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A nice quiet weekend at home ... ?
It's been an interesting weekend. Rog went down to his parents cabin, and, as I mentioned in the last blog, I passed on the whole thing. I wanted to catch up on some things at home and at work so I wouldn't have to work much this next week. A few interesting things happened while Rog was gone. Friday night, we noticed teenagers running through our backyard at 11pm. Ri was a little freaked, but I didn't think much of it. I thought it was funny that, with the dog gone, this would happen. She'd have been out there barking her head off if they'd have tried that normally. Then, Saturday morning, a couple of the boys were walking through our yard looking for something. Again, I didn't think much about it. They dropped something while running in the dark ... whatever. Again, Honey would've barked them off the yard, but she was gallivanting in KY.
Then last night, in the middle of the night, I could hear Bob pushing around his food dish, but didn't feel like getting up to make him stop. Again, Honey would've probably interfered in his malcontent. So I wake up this morning to find this:

Other carpets were moved from their spots and, let's just say that there was something downstairs that wasn't even CLOSE to the litterbox. Bob usually sleeps with Rog, so I suspect he was "acting out."
So, Rog comes home and is putting things away in the shed and notices behind the shed is a big blue box and a beat-up, muddy shirt. What's in the box, you ask? Well, given it's a beer box, it's got cans of beer in it. Unopened. At least there were no empties. We did a breathalizer on Bob, just to make sure it wasn't part of his "rebellious" weekend. So, I told Rog he can't go away and take the dog again lol.
In my photo-taking session today, I took a photo I've been meaning to share on the blog for a few weeks now. I set up that crib we got for free and have the nursery mostly set up now. Almost ready!

Then last night, in the middle of the night, I could hear Bob pushing around his food dish, but didn't feel like getting up to make him stop. Again, Honey would've probably interfered in his malcontent. So I wake up this morning to find this:

Other carpets were moved from their spots and, let's just say that there was something downstairs that wasn't even CLOSE to the litterbox. Bob usually sleeps with Rog, so I suspect he was "acting out."
So, Rog comes home and is putting things away in the shed and notices behind the shed is a big blue box and a beat-up, muddy shirt. What's in the box, you ask? Well, given it's a beer box, it's got cans of beer in it. Unopened. At least there were no empties. We did a breathalizer on Bob, just to make sure it wasn't part of his "rebellious" weekend. So, I told Rog he can't go away and take the dog again lol.
In my photo-taking session today, I took a photo I've been meaning to share on the blog for a few weeks now. I set up that crib we got for free and have the nursery mostly set up now. Almost ready!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Vacations and priorities
Something's wrong when the prospect of vacation seems laborious. Pretty sad. But that's where I am right now. Too much going on with Dr. and Orthodontist appointments. Sonograms, pharmacy, perinatologists, teacher conferences, recitals, church responsibilities, take-home work. This weekend marks one of my last good weekends to go away before the baby, and I passed it up. Not enough notice, and the prep before and after just didn't seem worth it. What's wrong with me? Anyone got advice for making vacations more "worth it"?
At any rate, had another sonogram and everything looked good. Those few things that couldn't be seen last time were visible this time. So from here on out, I'm just having close monitoring due to the gestational diabetes and medication I'm having to take for that. To that end, here's some new pics of Julia-to-be (who still is a girl, btw).


Alien baby!
So, the good news is, she's not running big--at least yet anyway.
Haiku, Haiku
Having trouble coming up with a topic for this week's haiku. No one suggested a topic ... hmm.
AHA! Thanksgiving!
"Turkey Day" bugs me.
"Thanksgiving" is much better.
Don't just stuff yourself.
And if you were to make any of these creations (be sure to look at all the years' offerings), I don't think you'll need to worry about stuffing yourself. I'm going to try a crustless, low-sugar pumpkin pie that maybe I can have more than a sliver of. :) And I'll just whine when others indulge in my favorite--pecan pie!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
At any rate, had another sonogram and everything looked good. Those few things that couldn't be seen last time were visible this time. So from here on out, I'm just having close monitoring due to the gestational diabetes and medication I'm having to take for that. To that end, here's some new pics of Julia-to-be (who still is a girl, btw).


Alien baby!
So, the good news is, she's not running big--at least yet anyway.
Haiku, Haiku
Having trouble coming up with a topic for this week's haiku. No one suggested a topic ... hmm.
AHA! Thanksgiving!
"Turkey Day" bugs me.
"Thanksgiving" is much better.
Don't just stuff yourself.
And if you were to make any of these creations (be sure to look at all the years' offerings), I don't think you'll need to worry about stuffing yourself. I'm going to try a crustless, low-sugar pumpkin pie that maybe I can have more than a sliver of. :) And I'll just whine when others indulge in my favorite--pecan pie!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ahh, Friday
Of course, I have to post today, since, after all, it IS Friday, and a haiku about pockets is what the Dr. ordered. Well, she's not a Dr. but she's probably played one somewhere. But I originally thought I'd lay out some of the interesting things that seem to happen to me on Friday, but I decided to let the whine chill instead--perhaps a good vintage will come of it later, and if not, I'll pitch it. Suffice it to say that it was a rough day that possibly is going to turn into a rough weekend. Ri is sick--possibly with swine flu. *sigh* Does anyone remember Schleprock (if you do, you're old, like me :D)? Please pray that she gets better quickly and that it doesn't sweep through the family. I'll keep you updated. I've got a lot to blog about actually, like the nursery, and such, but just haven't had much time. November has been and is looking to be a busy month.
So hopefully next week, I'll get some of my other posting done. Perhaps even this weekend. Who knows?
Why do women's clothes
Rarely have useful pockets?
Anyone else know?
LOTR fun
A makeshift riddle:
“What's it gots in its pocketss?”
Tell me if you know.
So hopefully next week, I'll get some of my other posting done. Perhaps even this weekend. Who knows?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Birthday Haiku
Just so I wouldn't forget, an avid blogger, herself, and reader of my blog reminded me:
Birthday Haiku
To Troy, Trent, Trevor,
Roger, Brenda, Betty, Steph
Happy Birthday all!
Any suggested topics for next week?
Don't forget to doWell, this Friday is a little less stinky than the last few have been. I'm actually almost done at 6:30 instead of 10. So here goes, early. In honor of many people who are special to me--particularly around this time of year (and who break my pocketbook right before Christmas! lol), here is my haiku for this Friday.
Your weekly Friday haiku
Your readers await!
Birthday Haiku
To Troy, Trent, Trevor,
Roger, Brenda, Betty, Steph
Happy Birthday all!
Any suggested topics for next week?
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