Friday, November 13, 2009

Ahh, Friday

Of course, I have to post today, since, after all, it IS Friday, and a haiku about pockets is what the Dr. ordered. Well, she's not a Dr. but she's probably played one somewhere. But I originally thought I'd lay out some of the interesting things that seem to happen to me on Friday, but I decided to let the whine chill instead--perhaps a good vintage will come of it later, and if not, I'll pitch it. Suffice it to say that it was a rough day that possibly is going to turn into a rough weekend. Ri is sick--possibly with swine flu. *sigh* Does anyone remember Schleprock (if you do, you're old, like me :D)? Please pray that she gets better quickly and that it doesn't sweep through the family. I'll keep you updated. I've got a lot to blog about actually, like the nursery, and such, but just haven't had much time. November has been and is looking to be a busy month.


Why do women's clothes
Rarely have useful pockets?
Anyone else know?

LOTR fun

A makeshift riddle:
“What's it gots in its pocketss?”
Tell me if you know.

So hopefully next week, I'll get some of my other posting done. Perhaps even this weekend. Who knows?

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