Then last night, in the middle of the night, I could hear Bob pushing around his food dish, but didn't feel like getting up to make him stop. Again, Honey would've probably interfered in his malcontent. So I wake up this morning to find this:

Other carpets were moved from their spots and, let's just say that there was something downstairs that wasn't even CLOSE to the litterbox. Bob usually sleeps with Rog, so I suspect he was "acting out."
So, Rog comes home and is putting things away in the shed and notices behind the shed is a big blue box and a beat-up, muddy shirt. What's in the box, you ask? Well, given it's a beer box, it's got cans of beer in it. Unopened. At least there were no empties. We did a breathalizer on Bob, just to make sure it wasn't part of his "rebellious" weekend. So, I told Rog he can't go away and take the dog again lol.
In my photo-taking session today, I took a photo I've been meaning to share on the blog for a few weeks now. I set up that crib we got for free and have the nursery mostly set up now. Almost ready!

Do you watch Monk? Here is what happened, Bob WAS acting out. He was jealous that honey got to go yet again with Rog while he was forced to stay cooped up with the females. He ran out and stole that carton of beer from the teenage neighbor boy's car, who had planned on bringing it into his house as soon as his parents left for the weekend. Thus the search for said box. Bob was so clever to hide the box behind the shed, but what he neglected to remember was that he couldn't open the cans. After he realized the futility of his efforts, he was so frustrated that he banged around the house all night. So the breathalizer test was unnecessary at that point. Now if Bob had opposable thumbs, it may have been a different story altogether.
Wow! We're gonna have to take Bob to the kitty shrink. He's apparently got some serious "issues."
Poor Bob!
But yay for Julia -- looks like she has a lovely room awaiting her arrival!
I notice that there appears to be a harp in the nursery. Starting a little early, aren't you?
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