Bad blogger skips week,
But no one seems to notice.
*shrug* No big deal then.
Well I did know about it, but was just too wiped last week to blog. Here it is almost 10 pm and I just got done with work (not that I won't have more in the morning) after starting my day at 6 am. Well I guess it's good practice for the baby, anyway. The past few Fridays have been no different. Maybe once we get more help at work, I'll have better Fridays. At any rate, let me cease fulminating and commence with the Friday frivolity!
I have some submissions from others around the office today. The haiku is apparently therapeutic on stressful Fridays for others as well.
From Jeff:
Which you can see translated here.
From John, who left a bit early to get a head-start on a weekend trip:
Exciting trip soon
And so glad to get away
Because baby soon.
From Daniel:
Just don't care anymore
Doesn't matter anyway
All is out of hands.
(or something like that--he changed it at some point, and I didn't write down the new one).
And last week--err, two weeks ago, another co-worker commented with haiku. Hope she wasn't having a stressful day!
In other news, it looks like I'll have to manage my blood sugar with meds, but on the bright side, I'm feeling more kicks (hmm, maybe when the blood sugar is high ...)! Also, I have actually added a Mariah-ism. Wow, can't believe it's been over a year since I wrote one down. Not that she doesn't say them, but that elusive iPhone/blackberry, with which I could blog from Timbuktu, is still apparently not on my assumed gift list—and, alas, by the time I return to the computer, it's left my tired, old brain. Ah, the trials of a wannabe hi-tech, faithful blogger. See you next week (or sooner), I hope!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Haiku and a bunch of other stuff
It's Friday again, and you know what that means: Haiku day. Last week, we had some very good submissions (keep up the good work!), and I was challenged to haiku about potatoes this week. Let's see how I (and you) fare.
What's Taters, Precious?
Sam taunts Smeagol over 'em.
Which movie is it?
For the story behind it, and a groovin' song, see
Baby stuff
And the moment of truth came yesterday. It's a girl, and they saw no abnormalities! And here are some pics for ya:

Wavin' at ya!

Showin' off those piggies

Sucking her thumb? Doesn't she have a cute nose? :)
The boring part
(All about me)
Well, last week, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Saw the dietician yesterday and got a blood glucose monitor, and am amazed at how easily my sugar goes off kilter. No wonder I've been feeling weird. At any rate, it's not horrible, but something I'm having to work on. And they say it will get worse as the weeks progress, so please be in prayer. Little Julia is just a tad large for her age now, and I'd like to keep it at that.
What's Taters, Precious?
Sam taunts Smeagol over 'em.
Which movie is it?
For the story behind it, and a groovin' song, see
Baby stuff
And the moment of truth came yesterday. It's a girl, and they saw no abnormalities! And here are some pics for ya:

Wavin' at ya!

Showin' off those piggies

Sucking her thumb? Doesn't she have a cute nose? :)
The boring part
(All about me)
Well, last week, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Saw the dietician yesterday and got a blood glucose monitor, and am amazed at how easily my sugar goes off kilter. No wonder I've been feeling weird. At any rate, it's not horrible, but something I'm having to work on. And they say it will get worse as the weeks progress, so please be in prayer. Little Julia is just a tad large for her age now, and I'd like to keep it at that.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Haiku of the week
I have been challenged to use "tubes" as the subject of my haiku this week. I happen to have a good story that this gives me the opportunity to tell:
Tubes Tied Test
occurs in the Eustachian
or Fallopian?
If you carefully
read your Biology test,
answer "oviduct."
Don't pick the answer
that first says "tube," not reading,
or embarrassed be.
(and possibly have a bad earache!!)
This is based on a true story of my Biology AP class in high school. Having gotten back my test and going through the answers, I noted that I'd gotten wrong one that I knew I had correct. I raised my hand to ask why I'd gotten it wrong. Thankfully, before the teacher called on me, I learned my mistake and lowered my hand (chuckling to myself). I had checked "eustachian tube" for where fertilization took place, not being careful and intending to have picked "fallopian tube," which was not an option because "oviduct" was the correct alternative answer. I did still get an A on that test, however. :)
Tubes Tied Test
occurs in the Eustachian
or Fallopian?
If you carefully
read your Biology test,
answer "oviduct."
Don't pick the answer
that first says "tube," not reading,
or embarrassed be.
(and possibly have a bad earache!!)
This is based on a true story of my Biology AP class in high school. Having gotten back my test and going through the answers, I noted that I'd gotten wrong one that I knew I had correct. I raised my hand to ask why I'd gotten it wrong. Thankfully, before the teacher called on me, I learned my mistake and lowered my hand (chuckling to myself). I had checked "eustachian tube" for where fertilization took place, not being careful and intending to have picked "fallopian tube," which was not an option because "oviduct" was the correct alternative answer. I did still get an A on that test, however. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lucky? I don't think so.
Monday night, our family crossed the street in the dark carrying a nearly new disassembled nursery-matching crib after no cash-layout whatsoever. It now sits still disassembled in the old nursery waiting until next week when things kick into high gear in Julia's or maybe-Levi's nursery.
Were we garbage-picking or stealing? How did we come across a crib so close to home and that matches our nursery? Guess we're lucky. Well, I think there's a little too much coincidence to this one to not give credit where credit is due.
Have you ever received an unexpected blessing or "message" from God? As I spoke with a friend yesterday, there are major revelations and then there are whisperings. As she put it, take the burning bush for example. That's a 1 on the "you know God's speaking" scale, whereas perhaps a beautiful sunset could be a 10. Well, I think it may be fair to say the pregnancy, in of itself, is easily a 2 or 3. I'd rate the crib experience about a 6 or 7. Here's how the story goes:
At about 12 weeks gestation, I went to a baby store to register--just to see what was out there since the last time I needed to buy this sorta stuff over 10 years ago. And I was in major sticker shock. From what I could tell, all items we needed would be big ticket items (as shower-attending folk call them), which had me a bit worried. I did pick a crib, just so I had one that I liked in mind and an approximate price comparison point. Mom offered to help me buy it on the spot, as it was a discontinued model (one thing that put it in a decent price range). I declined. Not really feeling pregnant enough to begin buying things (and, honestly, still a little skeptical that the pregnancy was going full-term). Shortly after picking some of these essentials, a friend offered to loan me several baby items, and I've had a few others offered and given to me.
We've been looking at garage sales for the remainder of items we needed, particularly a crib. Found one several weeks ago and called Rog about it. He thought we should hold off, so I did.
Over this past weekend, a piece of Mariah's braces fell off, but I was able to remedy it enough to hold of until Mon. I had planned to switch my work days anyway this week due to a Tue. meeting, so I was off to take her to the orthodontist after school. I had a bill I needed to pay to the nearby dentist, so I grabbed it thinking the weather was nice and we'd just walk there after the orthodontist visit rather than mailing it. So we walked in and the receptionist was my neighbor (I've seen her there once or twice). As I paid the bill, Ri was rifling through a basket of free toothpaste samples and my neighbor offered some to me, which I declined, saying that flavor makes me sick now that I'm pregnant. She had not known I was pregnant and seemed very pleased, sharing some stories about her grandchildren. Then she noted that it was likely that I did not have much baby stuff around still and asked if I had a baby bed yet. Of course, my answer was "Not yet." Then she told me that she would give me one as she had two, even though a grandbaby was due to be born today. She would not take payment, as she had just gotten it out of storage and was about to get rid of it anyway as her daughter-in-law was listing some baby things on Craigslist. She then offered for us to come over that evening when Roger got home to get it, which we did. I will post a picture of it once we get it set up.
Now, I ask you, what are the odds that this would happen? Being off Monday, when she works, and deciding on a whim to stop in and pay the bill ... for the discussion to come up about pregnancy and for her to have the crib ready to go disassembled in her house, etc.?
Now, the average person might just chalk it up to coincidence, but I know better. I've come to the conclusion that we all too often overlook such "whispers" or even more. So what number did God give you today? Yesterday, he gave me and my friend the smell of rain and wet leaves at the very least, and our wonderful conversation. Draw near, seek, and find, my friends.
Were we garbage-picking or stealing? How did we come across a crib so close to home and that matches our nursery? Guess we're lucky. Well, I think there's a little too much coincidence to this one to not give credit where credit is due.
Have you ever received an unexpected blessing or "message" from God? As I spoke with a friend yesterday, there are major revelations and then there are whisperings. As she put it, take the burning bush for example. That's a 1 on the "you know God's speaking" scale, whereas perhaps a beautiful sunset could be a 10. Well, I think it may be fair to say the pregnancy, in of itself, is easily a 2 or 3. I'd rate the crib experience about a 6 or 7. Here's how the story goes:
At about 12 weeks gestation, I went to a baby store to register--just to see what was out there since the last time I needed to buy this sorta stuff over 10 years ago. And I was in major sticker shock. From what I could tell, all items we needed would be big ticket items (as shower-attending folk call them), which had me a bit worried. I did pick a crib, just so I had one that I liked in mind and an approximate price comparison point. Mom offered to help me buy it on the spot, as it was a discontinued model (one thing that put it in a decent price range). I declined. Not really feeling pregnant enough to begin buying things (and, honestly, still a little skeptical that the pregnancy was going full-term). Shortly after picking some of these essentials, a friend offered to loan me several baby items, and I've had a few others offered and given to me.
We've been looking at garage sales for the remainder of items we needed, particularly a crib. Found one several weeks ago and called Rog about it. He thought we should hold off, so I did.
Over this past weekend, a piece of Mariah's braces fell off, but I was able to remedy it enough to hold of until Mon. I had planned to switch my work days anyway this week due to a Tue. meeting, so I was off to take her to the orthodontist after school. I had a bill I needed to pay to the nearby dentist, so I grabbed it thinking the weather was nice and we'd just walk there after the orthodontist visit rather than mailing it. So we walked in and the receptionist was my neighbor (I've seen her there once or twice). As I paid the bill, Ri was rifling through a basket of free toothpaste samples and my neighbor offered some to me, which I declined, saying that flavor makes me sick now that I'm pregnant. She had not known I was pregnant and seemed very pleased, sharing some stories about her grandchildren. Then she noted that it was likely that I did not have much baby stuff around still and asked if I had a baby bed yet. Of course, my answer was "Not yet." Then she told me that she would give me one as she had two, even though a grandbaby was due to be born today. She would not take payment, as she had just gotten it out of storage and was about to get rid of it anyway as her daughter-in-law was listing some baby things on Craigslist. She then offered for us to come over that evening when Roger got home to get it, which we did. I will post a picture of it once we get it set up.
Now, I ask you, what are the odds that this would happen? Being off Monday, when she works, and deciding on a whim to stop in and pay the bill ... for the discussion to come up about pregnancy and for her to have the crib ready to go disassembled in her house, etc.?
Now, the average person might just chalk it up to coincidence, but I know better. I've come to the conclusion that we all too often overlook such "whispers" or even more. So what number did God give you today? Yesterday, he gave me and my friend the smell of rain and wet leaves at the very least, and our wonderful conversation. Draw near, seek, and find, my friends.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Haiku 2
Deep thoughts
I think that I shall
Never see a haiku as
lovely as a tree.
What topic should be
The topic for next haiku?
Suggest and stump me.
Note: Haikus amended due to my inability to count to 7 (as caught by an observant reader--good eye, Stacia!). Whew. Friday was a loooong day. :)
I think that I shall
Never see a haiku as
lovely as a tree.
What topic should be
The topic for next haiku?
Suggest and stump me.
Note: Haikus amended due to my inability to count to 7 (as caught by an observant reader--good eye, Stacia!). Whew. Friday was a loooong day. :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Doctor visits and poetry
Well, while I may look pregnant, I don't feel very pregnant still. Just drained and starting to have joint and back pain. I could be chalking that up to my age! So I was pleased, since I haven't been feeling much movement, to hear the baby's heartbeat today at the doctor--and up higher. Apparently my uterus, which I can't feel either although baby books say you can (must be my abs of steel ;)), is right below my belly button, right where it should be for 18 weeks. So, according to the doc, I'm good. Also scheduled THE sonogram where we find if it's a boy or not (notice I didn't say boy or girl--not because I don't want a girl; I just think it's a boy). Ri wants a girl; Rog wants a boy; I want a girl for Ri and a boy for Rog, but we all want a healthy baby and don't really care. So, come Oct. 15, no more excuses to put off decorating the room and picking out things for the baby. I'm kinda looking forward to it. :)
Also had a glucose challenge today, surprisingly. I thought I was just gonna have a fasting blood glucose test, as I've had some hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic symptoms--nothing too bad yet--and since I have a family history of late-onset by and even before this age. We'll know the results of that in a few days, I suppose. But third trimester is when gestational diabetes is most likely to rear its ugly head.
And against my better judgment, but by popular demand, my first pregnancy shot:
And before I forget, the poetry thing is a weekly feature. Get your poetry chops ready for a new challenge tomorrow. :)
Also had a glucose challenge today, surprisingly. I thought I was just gonna have a fasting blood glucose test, as I've had some hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic symptoms--nothing too bad yet--and since I have a family history of late-onset by and even before this age. We'll know the results of that in a few days, I suppose. But third trimester is when gestational diabetes is most likely to rear its ugly head.
And against my better judgment, but by popular demand, my first pregnancy shot:

And before I forget, the poetry thing is a weekly feature. Get your poetry chops ready for a new challenge tomorrow. :)
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