A haiku about bleach ... hmm. Let's see.
Germs and fungus, go!
Sanitization is good
When house has been sick!
Other things that could use a good sanitization? How about the views expressed here:
Perhaps "salt" and "light" would be a better source of both the "sanity" and Truth needed to clean that up. Need I say more?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It's Not Friday!
What's wrong with this blog? No posting last Friday and now one on Wednesday. Oh, the drama! Well, Lord willing, we'll be back to regular haiku posting this Friday. And maybe a picture of our tree with lots of presents underneath that have been keeping me busy.
So, for those interested in an explanation as to why no blog last week, please refer to my Fridays stink blog. The rest of ya, just keep reading here.
So the interesting things this week are: I'm still sick; Ri is sick again; Julia is well and kickin' (about 3 lbs. and growing at a normal rate--58%ile); diabetes is going pretty well; I'm in my 3rd trimester (can you believe it??); Christmas shopping is almost done; I'm actually getting to take some much-needed vacation the last 3 weeks this year. I was thinking about taking a pregnancy picture, but I'm sure we'll get some at Christmas, so that's not too far off. But here's a good face-shot of Julia I just got on Monday:

See her big eyes and chubby cheeks? The doctor said I would be grateful to know that the baby had a small head, so Rog has been looking at me a little suspiciously. (Hehe, not really.) Other features of note were her small chin, little bit of hair, long legs, and overall good size. She put on a good show, too, blinking and hiccuping, after playing with her feet. Such a blessing to have this technology! Makes me want that much more to really see her and try to match her looks with these precious images. But that'll come soon enough.
Now, some fun and frivolity are in order--to kick off the season.
Some interesting things I've either found, or that others have passed along on the web:
That's all until Friday. Enjoy some of the silliness until then. I've been challenged with some new haiku topics that I will attempt to tackle. Check last post's comments if you want in on the action. I hope everyone else is well out there in blogland.
So, for those interested in an explanation as to why no blog last week, please refer to my Fridays stink blog. The rest of ya, just keep reading here.
So the interesting things this week are: I'm still sick; Ri is sick again; Julia is well and kickin' (about 3 lbs. and growing at a normal rate--58%ile); diabetes is going pretty well; I'm in my 3rd trimester (can you believe it??); Christmas shopping is almost done; I'm actually getting to take some much-needed vacation the last 3 weeks this year. I was thinking about taking a pregnancy picture, but I'm sure we'll get some at Christmas, so that's not too far off. But here's a good face-shot of Julia I just got on Monday:

See her big eyes and chubby cheeks? The doctor said I would be grateful to know that the baby had a small head, so Rog has been looking at me a little suspiciously. (Hehe, not really.) Other features of note were her small chin, little bit of hair, long legs, and overall good size. She put on a good show, too, blinking and hiccuping, after playing with her feet. Such a blessing to have this technology! Makes me want that much more to really see her and try to match her looks with these precious images. But that'll come soon enough.
Now, some fun and frivolity are in order--to kick off the season.
Some interesting things I've either found, or that others have passed along on the web:
- https://secure2.bk.com/en/us/campaigns/bk-dollar-holidays.html#Card/2
(Make sure you scroll left to right to see all the cards. Some are real gut-busters) - http://www.sketchysantas.com/
(Which might've been a good thing to have linked from this article:
Why do people force their kids on his lap if they're uncomfortable with it? - Related to "Sketchy Santas," but with *ahem* audio, if you can call it that.
That's all until Friday. Enjoy some of the silliness until then. I've been challenged with some new haiku topics that I will attempt to tackle. Check last post's comments if you want in on the action. I hope everyone else is well out there in blogland.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sick and Sicker
Well, it was not meant to be--for me to dodge the bullet forever while Ri remained sick for weeks on end. So today was an interesting day of pondering whether to go to the doctor myself (when I don't really want to take any prescriptions) and/or to take Ri after so long of little to no improvement of her rather disruptive cough. So I opted for Ri. Even though I sound like a man and feel like I've been dragged around a bit, albeit less than Wednesday. And what a day that made for us. From 2 pm until almost 8 we were out either at the Dr. or the hospital for tests or at a drugstore waiting for prescriptions (with the exception of 2 other quick stops). But the good news is she's got clear lungs and some things to help with the cough, like prescription cough syrup to help her sleep and inhalant to help with the little bit of wheezing he heard.
I'd hoped to put up the Christmas tree today and put in a pic of it, but that may have to wait until at least tomorrow, as when I got home, I still had work to do. And Rog is just now getting here after 9. So, yeah, Friday's are still kinda stinking.
Anyhoo, on to the highlight of every Friday. Given so many lowlights, however, that's not saying much. :)
Haiku for today
Which doctor to see?
Pediatrician again
or Obstetrician?
Ok, so I really need someone to suggest topics for this to be at all interesting. What do you suggest for next week?
I'd hoped to put up the Christmas tree today and put in a pic of it, but that may have to wait until at least tomorrow, as when I got home, I still had work to do. And Rog is just now getting here after 9. So, yeah, Friday's are still kinda stinking.
Anyhoo, on to the highlight of every Friday. Given so many lowlights, however, that's not saying much. :)
Haiku for today
Which doctor to see?
Pediatrician again
or Obstetrician?
Ok, so I really need someone to suggest topics for this to be at all interesting. What do you suggest for next week?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday after Thanksgiving
Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was good. Ours was pretty nice. I found enough to eat, despite the diabetes and even had some pie. :) Baby still won't cooperate and move when others are around, but I guess that will come. Now for the Haiku challenge:
Ways to eat eggs on Thanksgiving
Poached eggs for breakfast
Eggs in pumpkin, pecan pies
Eggs in the eggnog.
I'm thankful for eggs--a good source of protein for a diabetic that doesn't like meat that much. Well, at least that's some ways that I ate eggs yesterday. Good thing that cholesterol doesn't matter during pregnancy! What are you thankful for and what did you eat yesterday? Eggs? And which came first? The turkey or the eggs? :)
Ways to eat eggs on Thanksgiving
Poached eggs for breakfast
Eggs in pumpkin, pecan pies
Eggs in the eggnog.
I'm thankful for eggs--a good source of protein for a diabetic that doesn't like meat that much. Well, at least that's some ways that I ate eggs yesterday. Good thing that cholesterol doesn't matter during pregnancy! What are you thankful for and what did you eat yesterday? Eggs? And which came first? The turkey or the eggs? :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A nice quiet weekend at home ... ?
It's been an interesting weekend. Rog went down to his parents cabin, and, as I mentioned in the last blog, I passed on the whole thing. I wanted to catch up on some things at home and at work so I wouldn't have to work much this next week. A few interesting things happened while Rog was gone. Friday night, we noticed teenagers running through our backyard at 11pm. Ri was a little freaked, but I didn't think much of it. I thought it was funny that, with the dog gone, this would happen. She'd have been out there barking her head off if they'd have tried that normally. Then, Saturday morning, a couple of the boys were walking through our yard looking for something. Again, I didn't think much about it. They dropped something while running in the dark ... whatever. Again, Honey would've barked them off the yard, but she was gallivanting in KY.
Then last night, in the middle of the night, I could hear Bob pushing around his food dish, but didn't feel like getting up to make him stop. Again, Honey would've probably interfered in his malcontent. So I wake up this morning to find this:

Other carpets were moved from their spots and, let's just say that there was something downstairs that wasn't even CLOSE to the litterbox. Bob usually sleeps with Rog, so I suspect he was "acting out."
So, Rog comes home and is putting things away in the shed and notices behind the shed is a big blue box and a beat-up, muddy shirt. What's in the box, you ask? Well, given it's a beer box, it's got cans of beer in it. Unopened. At least there were no empties. We did a breathalizer on Bob, just to make sure it wasn't part of his "rebellious" weekend. So, I told Rog he can't go away and take the dog again lol.
In my photo-taking session today, I took a photo I've been meaning to share on the blog for a few weeks now. I set up that crib we got for free and have the nursery mostly set up now. Almost ready!

Then last night, in the middle of the night, I could hear Bob pushing around his food dish, but didn't feel like getting up to make him stop. Again, Honey would've probably interfered in his malcontent. So I wake up this morning to find this:

Other carpets were moved from their spots and, let's just say that there was something downstairs that wasn't even CLOSE to the litterbox. Bob usually sleeps with Rog, so I suspect he was "acting out."
So, Rog comes home and is putting things away in the shed and notices behind the shed is a big blue box and a beat-up, muddy shirt. What's in the box, you ask? Well, given it's a beer box, it's got cans of beer in it. Unopened. At least there were no empties. We did a breathalizer on Bob, just to make sure it wasn't part of his "rebellious" weekend. So, I told Rog he can't go away and take the dog again lol.
In my photo-taking session today, I took a photo I've been meaning to share on the blog for a few weeks now. I set up that crib we got for free and have the nursery mostly set up now. Almost ready!

Friday, November 20, 2009
Vacations and priorities
Something's wrong when the prospect of vacation seems laborious. Pretty sad. But that's where I am right now. Too much going on with Dr. and Orthodontist appointments. Sonograms, pharmacy, perinatologists, teacher conferences, recitals, church responsibilities, take-home work. This weekend marks one of my last good weekends to go away before the baby, and I passed it up. Not enough notice, and the prep before and after just didn't seem worth it. What's wrong with me? Anyone got advice for making vacations more "worth it"?
At any rate, had another sonogram and everything looked good. Those few things that couldn't be seen last time were visible this time. So from here on out, I'm just having close monitoring due to the gestational diabetes and medication I'm having to take for that. To that end, here's some new pics of Julia-to-be (who still is a girl, btw).


Alien baby!
So, the good news is, she's not running big--at least yet anyway.
Haiku, Haiku
Having trouble coming up with a topic for this week's haiku. No one suggested a topic ... hmm.
AHA! Thanksgiving!
"Turkey Day" bugs me.
"Thanksgiving" is much better.
Don't just stuff yourself.
And if you were to make any of these creations (be sure to look at all the years' offerings), I don't think you'll need to worry about stuffing yourself. I'm going to try a crustless, low-sugar pumpkin pie that maybe I can have more than a sliver of. :) And I'll just whine when others indulge in my favorite--pecan pie!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
At any rate, had another sonogram and everything looked good. Those few things that couldn't be seen last time were visible this time. So from here on out, I'm just having close monitoring due to the gestational diabetes and medication I'm having to take for that. To that end, here's some new pics of Julia-to-be (who still is a girl, btw).


Alien baby!
So, the good news is, she's not running big--at least yet anyway.
Haiku, Haiku
Having trouble coming up with a topic for this week's haiku. No one suggested a topic ... hmm.
AHA! Thanksgiving!
"Turkey Day" bugs me.
"Thanksgiving" is much better.
Don't just stuff yourself.
And if you were to make any of these creations (be sure to look at all the years' offerings), I don't think you'll need to worry about stuffing yourself. I'm going to try a crustless, low-sugar pumpkin pie that maybe I can have more than a sliver of. :) And I'll just whine when others indulge in my favorite--pecan pie!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Ahh, Friday
Of course, I have to post today, since, after all, it IS Friday, and a haiku about pockets is what the Dr. ordered. Well, she's not a Dr. but she's probably played one somewhere. But I originally thought I'd lay out some of the interesting things that seem to happen to me on Friday, but I decided to let the whine chill instead--perhaps a good vintage will come of it later, and if not, I'll pitch it. Suffice it to say that it was a rough day that possibly is going to turn into a rough weekend. Ri is sick--possibly with swine flu. *sigh* Does anyone remember Schleprock (if you do, you're old, like me :D)? Please pray that she gets better quickly and that it doesn't sweep through the family. I'll keep you updated. I've got a lot to blog about actually, like the nursery, and such, but just haven't had much time. November has been and is looking to be a busy month.
So hopefully next week, I'll get some of my other posting done. Perhaps even this weekend. Who knows?
Why do women's clothes
Rarely have useful pockets?
Anyone else know?
LOTR fun
A makeshift riddle:
“What's it gots in its pocketss?”
Tell me if you know.
So hopefully next week, I'll get some of my other posting done. Perhaps even this weekend. Who knows?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Birthday Haiku
Just so I wouldn't forget, an avid blogger, herself, and reader of my blog reminded me:
Birthday Haiku
To Troy, Trent, Trevor,
Roger, Brenda, Betty, Steph
Happy Birthday all!
Any suggested topics for next week?
Don't forget to doWell, this Friday is a little less stinky than the last few have been. I'm actually almost done at 6:30 instead of 10. So here goes, early. In honor of many people who are special to me--particularly around this time of year (and who break my pocketbook right before Christmas! lol), here is my haiku for this Friday.
Your weekly Friday haiku
Your readers await!
Birthday Haiku
To Troy, Trent, Trevor,
Roger, Brenda, Betty, Steph
Happy Birthday all!
Any suggested topics for next week?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Fridays Stink
Bad blogger skips week,
But no one seems to notice.
*shrug* No big deal then.
Well I did know about it, but was just too wiped last week to blog. Here it is almost 10 pm and I just got done with work (not that I won't have more in the morning) after starting my day at 6 am. Well I guess it's good practice for the baby, anyway. The past few Fridays have been no different. Maybe once we get more help at work, I'll have better Fridays. At any rate, let me cease fulminating and commence with the Friday frivolity!
I have some submissions from others around the office today. The haiku is apparently therapeutic on stressful Fridays for others as well.
From Jeff:
Which you can see translated here.
From John, who left a bit early to get a head-start on a weekend trip:
Exciting trip soon
And so glad to get away
Because baby soon.
From Daniel:
Just don't care anymore
Doesn't matter anyway
All is out of hands.
(or something like that--he changed it at some point, and I didn't write down the new one).
And last week--err, two weeks ago, another co-worker commented with haiku. Hope she wasn't having a stressful day!
In other news, it looks like I'll have to manage my blood sugar with meds, but on the bright side, I'm feeling more kicks (hmm, maybe when the blood sugar is high ...)! Also, I have actually added a Mariah-ism. Wow, can't believe it's been over a year since I wrote one down. Not that she doesn't say them, but that elusive iPhone/blackberry, with which I could blog from Timbuktu, is still apparently not on my assumed gift list—and, alas, by the time I return to the computer, it's left my tired, old brain. Ah, the trials of a wannabe hi-tech, faithful blogger. See you next week (or sooner), I hope!
But no one seems to notice.
*shrug* No big deal then.
Well I did know about it, but was just too wiped last week to blog. Here it is almost 10 pm and I just got done with work (not that I won't have more in the morning) after starting my day at 6 am. Well I guess it's good practice for the baby, anyway. The past few Fridays have been no different. Maybe once we get more help at work, I'll have better Fridays. At any rate, let me cease fulminating and commence with the Friday frivolity!
I have some submissions from others around the office today. The haiku is apparently therapeutic on stressful Fridays for others as well.
From Jeff:
Which you can see translated here.
From John, who left a bit early to get a head-start on a weekend trip:
Exciting trip soon
And so glad to get away
Because baby soon.
From Daniel:
Just don't care anymore
Doesn't matter anyway
All is out of hands.
(or something like that--he changed it at some point, and I didn't write down the new one).
And last week--err, two weeks ago, another co-worker commented with haiku. Hope she wasn't having a stressful day!
In other news, it looks like I'll have to manage my blood sugar with meds, but on the bright side, I'm feeling more kicks (hmm, maybe when the blood sugar is high ...)! Also, I have actually added a Mariah-ism. Wow, can't believe it's been over a year since I wrote one down. Not that she doesn't say them, but that elusive iPhone/blackberry, with which I could blog from Timbuktu, is still apparently not on my assumed gift list—and, alas, by the time I return to the computer, it's left my tired, old brain. Ah, the trials of a wannabe hi-tech, faithful blogger. See you next week (or sooner), I hope!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Haiku and a bunch of other stuff
It's Friday again, and you know what that means: Haiku day. Last week, we had some very good submissions (keep up the good work!), and I was challenged to haiku about potatoes this week. Let's see how I (and you) fare.
What's Taters, Precious?
Sam taunts Smeagol over 'em.
Which movie is it?
For the story behind it, and a groovin' song, see
Baby stuff
And the moment of truth came yesterday. It's a girl, and they saw no abnormalities! And here are some pics for ya:

Wavin' at ya!

Showin' off those piggies

Sucking her thumb? Doesn't she have a cute nose? :)
The boring part
(All about me)
Well, last week, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Saw the dietician yesterday and got a blood glucose monitor, and am amazed at how easily my sugar goes off kilter. No wonder I've been feeling weird. At any rate, it's not horrible, but something I'm having to work on. And they say it will get worse as the weeks progress, so please be in prayer. Little Julia is just a tad large for her age now, and I'd like to keep it at that.
What's Taters, Precious?
Sam taunts Smeagol over 'em.
Which movie is it?
For the story behind it, and a groovin' song, see
Baby stuff
And the moment of truth came yesterday. It's a girl, and they saw no abnormalities! And here are some pics for ya:

Wavin' at ya!

Showin' off those piggies

Sucking her thumb? Doesn't she have a cute nose? :)
The boring part
(All about me)
Well, last week, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Saw the dietician yesterday and got a blood glucose monitor, and am amazed at how easily my sugar goes off kilter. No wonder I've been feeling weird. At any rate, it's not horrible, but something I'm having to work on. And they say it will get worse as the weeks progress, so please be in prayer. Little Julia is just a tad large for her age now, and I'd like to keep it at that.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Haiku of the week
I have been challenged to use "tubes" as the subject of my haiku this week. I happen to have a good story that this gives me the opportunity to tell:
Tubes Tied Test
occurs in the Eustachian
or Fallopian?
If you carefully
read your Biology test,
answer "oviduct."
Don't pick the answer
that first says "tube," not reading,
or embarrassed be.
(and possibly have a bad earache!!)
This is based on a true story of my Biology AP class in high school. Having gotten back my test and going through the answers, I noted that I'd gotten wrong one that I knew I had correct. I raised my hand to ask why I'd gotten it wrong. Thankfully, before the teacher called on me, I learned my mistake and lowered my hand (chuckling to myself). I had checked "eustachian tube" for where fertilization took place, not being careful and intending to have picked "fallopian tube," which was not an option because "oviduct" was the correct alternative answer. I did still get an A on that test, however. :)
Tubes Tied Test
occurs in the Eustachian
or Fallopian?
If you carefully
read your Biology test,
answer "oviduct."
Don't pick the answer
that first says "tube," not reading,
or embarrassed be.
(and possibly have a bad earache!!)
This is based on a true story of my Biology AP class in high school. Having gotten back my test and going through the answers, I noted that I'd gotten wrong one that I knew I had correct. I raised my hand to ask why I'd gotten it wrong. Thankfully, before the teacher called on me, I learned my mistake and lowered my hand (chuckling to myself). I had checked "eustachian tube" for where fertilization took place, not being careful and intending to have picked "fallopian tube," which was not an option because "oviduct" was the correct alternative answer. I did still get an A on that test, however. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lucky? I don't think so.
Monday night, our family crossed the street in the dark carrying a nearly new disassembled nursery-matching crib after no cash-layout whatsoever. It now sits still disassembled in the old nursery waiting until next week when things kick into high gear in Julia's or maybe-Levi's nursery.
Were we garbage-picking or stealing? How did we come across a crib so close to home and that matches our nursery? Guess we're lucky. Well, I think there's a little too much coincidence to this one to not give credit where credit is due.
Have you ever received an unexpected blessing or "message" from God? As I spoke with a friend yesterday, there are major revelations and then there are whisperings. As she put it, take the burning bush for example. That's a 1 on the "you know God's speaking" scale, whereas perhaps a beautiful sunset could be a 10. Well, I think it may be fair to say the pregnancy, in of itself, is easily a 2 or 3. I'd rate the crib experience about a 6 or 7. Here's how the story goes:
At about 12 weeks gestation, I went to a baby store to register--just to see what was out there since the last time I needed to buy this sorta stuff over 10 years ago. And I was in major sticker shock. From what I could tell, all items we needed would be big ticket items (as shower-attending folk call them), which had me a bit worried. I did pick a crib, just so I had one that I liked in mind and an approximate price comparison point. Mom offered to help me buy it on the spot, as it was a discontinued model (one thing that put it in a decent price range). I declined. Not really feeling pregnant enough to begin buying things (and, honestly, still a little skeptical that the pregnancy was going full-term). Shortly after picking some of these essentials, a friend offered to loan me several baby items, and I've had a few others offered and given to me.
We've been looking at garage sales for the remainder of items we needed, particularly a crib. Found one several weeks ago and called Rog about it. He thought we should hold off, so I did.
Over this past weekend, a piece of Mariah's braces fell off, but I was able to remedy it enough to hold of until Mon. I had planned to switch my work days anyway this week due to a Tue. meeting, so I was off to take her to the orthodontist after school. I had a bill I needed to pay to the nearby dentist, so I grabbed it thinking the weather was nice and we'd just walk there after the orthodontist visit rather than mailing it. So we walked in and the receptionist was my neighbor (I've seen her there once or twice). As I paid the bill, Ri was rifling through a basket of free toothpaste samples and my neighbor offered some to me, which I declined, saying that flavor makes me sick now that I'm pregnant. She had not known I was pregnant and seemed very pleased, sharing some stories about her grandchildren. Then she noted that it was likely that I did not have much baby stuff around still and asked if I had a baby bed yet. Of course, my answer was "Not yet." Then she told me that she would give me one as she had two, even though a grandbaby was due to be born today. She would not take payment, as she had just gotten it out of storage and was about to get rid of it anyway as her daughter-in-law was listing some baby things on Craigslist. She then offered for us to come over that evening when Roger got home to get it, which we did. I will post a picture of it once we get it set up.
Now, I ask you, what are the odds that this would happen? Being off Monday, when she works, and deciding on a whim to stop in and pay the bill ... for the discussion to come up about pregnancy and for her to have the crib ready to go disassembled in her house, etc.?
Now, the average person might just chalk it up to coincidence, but I know better. I've come to the conclusion that we all too often overlook such "whispers" or even more. So what number did God give you today? Yesterday, he gave me and my friend the smell of rain and wet leaves at the very least, and our wonderful conversation. Draw near, seek, and find, my friends.
Were we garbage-picking or stealing? How did we come across a crib so close to home and that matches our nursery? Guess we're lucky. Well, I think there's a little too much coincidence to this one to not give credit where credit is due.
Have you ever received an unexpected blessing or "message" from God? As I spoke with a friend yesterday, there are major revelations and then there are whisperings. As she put it, take the burning bush for example. That's a 1 on the "you know God's speaking" scale, whereas perhaps a beautiful sunset could be a 10. Well, I think it may be fair to say the pregnancy, in of itself, is easily a 2 or 3. I'd rate the crib experience about a 6 or 7. Here's how the story goes:
At about 12 weeks gestation, I went to a baby store to register--just to see what was out there since the last time I needed to buy this sorta stuff over 10 years ago. And I was in major sticker shock. From what I could tell, all items we needed would be big ticket items (as shower-attending folk call them), which had me a bit worried. I did pick a crib, just so I had one that I liked in mind and an approximate price comparison point. Mom offered to help me buy it on the spot, as it was a discontinued model (one thing that put it in a decent price range). I declined. Not really feeling pregnant enough to begin buying things (and, honestly, still a little skeptical that the pregnancy was going full-term). Shortly after picking some of these essentials, a friend offered to loan me several baby items, and I've had a few others offered and given to me.
We've been looking at garage sales for the remainder of items we needed, particularly a crib. Found one several weeks ago and called Rog about it. He thought we should hold off, so I did.
Over this past weekend, a piece of Mariah's braces fell off, but I was able to remedy it enough to hold of until Mon. I had planned to switch my work days anyway this week due to a Tue. meeting, so I was off to take her to the orthodontist after school. I had a bill I needed to pay to the nearby dentist, so I grabbed it thinking the weather was nice and we'd just walk there after the orthodontist visit rather than mailing it. So we walked in and the receptionist was my neighbor (I've seen her there once or twice). As I paid the bill, Ri was rifling through a basket of free toothpaste samples and my neighbor offered some to me, which I declined, saying that flavor makes me sick now that I'm pregnant. She had not known I was pregnant and seemed very pleased, sharing some stories about her grandchildren. Then she noted that it was likely that I did not have much baby stuff around still and asked if I had a baby bed yet. Of course, my answer was "Not yet." Then she told me that she would give me one as she had two, even though a grandbaby was due to be born today. She would not take payment, as she had just gotten it out of storage and was about to get rid of it anyway as her daughter-in-law was listing some baby things on Craigslist. She then offered for us to come over that evening when Roger got home to get it, which we did. I will post a picture of it once we get it set up.
Now, I ask you, what are the odds that this would happen? Being off Monday, when she works, and deciding on a whim to stop in and pay the bill ... for the discussion to come up about pregnancy and for her to have the crib ready to go disassembled in her house, etc.?
Now, the average person might just chalk it up to coincidence, but I know better. I've come to the conclusion that we all too often overlook such "whispers" or even more. So what number did God give you today? Yesterday, he gave me and my friend the smell of rain and wet leaves at the very least, and our wonderful conversation. Draw near, seek, and find, my friends.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Haiku 2
Deep thoughts
I think that I shall
Never see a haiku as
lovely as a tree.
What topic should be
The topic for next haiku?
Suggest and stump me.
Note: Haikus amended due to my inability to count to 7 (as caught by an observant reader--good eye, Stacia!). Whew. Friday was a loooong day. :)
I think that I shall
Never see a haiku as
lovely as a tree.
What topic should be
The topic for next haiku?
Suggest and stump me.
Note: Haikus amended due to my inability to count to 7 (as caught by an observant reader--good eye, Stacia!). Whew. Friday was a loooong day. :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Doctor visits and poetry
Well, while I may look pregnant, I don't feel very pregnant still. Just drained and starting to have joint and back pain. I could be chalking that up to my age! So I was pleased, since I haven't been feeling much movement, to hear the baby's heartbeat today at the doctor--and up higher. Apparently my uterus, which I can't feel either although baby books say you can (must be my abs of steel ;)), is right below my belly button, right where it should be for 18 weeks. So, according to the doc, I'm good. Also scheduled THE sonogram where we find if it's a boy or not (notice I didn't say boy or girl--not because I don't want a girl; I just think it's a boy). Ri wants a girl; Rog wants a boy; I want a girl for Ri and a boy for Rog, but we all want a healthy baby and don't really care. So, come Oct. 15, no more excuses to put off decorating the room and picking out things for the baby. I'm kinda looking forward to it. :)
Also had a glucose challenge today, surprisingly. I thought I was just gonna have a fasting blood glucose test, as I've had some hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic symptoms--nothing too bad yet--and since I have a family history of late-onset by and even before this age. We'll know the results of that in a few days, I suppose. But third trimester is when gestational diabetes is most likely to rear its ugly head.
And against my better judgment, but by popular demand, my first pregnancy shot:
And before I forget, the poetry thing is a weekly feature. Get your poetry chops ready for a new challenge tomorrow. :)
Also had a glucose challenge today, surprisingly. I thought I was just gonna have a fasting blood glucose test, as I've had some hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic symptoms--nothing too bad yet--and since I have a family history of late-onset by and even before this age. We'll know the results of that in a few days, I suppose. But third trimester is when gestational diabetes is most likely to rear its ugly head.
And against my better judgment, but by popular demand, my first pregnancy shot:

And before I forget, the poetry thing is a weekly feature. Get your poetry chops ready for a new challenge tomorrow. :)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Haiku
I've noticed a few sites have a penchant for Haiku on Fridays, so I thought I would share one with you and see if I could coax any out of you.
Friday Haiku time
Can you make one good like me?
I double-dog dare
OK, not my best, but maybe it's enough to make ya feel like you can do better and SHOW me. :)
Friday Haiku time
Can you make one good like me?
I double-dog dare
OK, not my best, but maybe it's enough to make ya feel like you can do better and SHOW me. :)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Random, driveby gnomings
Have you seen this "man"? He was last spotted in an evergreen tree by the side of the road at a Green Township residence. He has pale skin, white hair, a tall, reddish pointy hat, white facial hair and a green jacket. His hat appears to have been harmed recently by the trained attack dog on the premises. His pants and boots are also white. He is very small in stature and is rarely seen in an upright position. Breathalizer tests will be conducted when the suspect is apprehended.
If you know anything about where this strange man comes from and his intent, other than trespassing, please submit a comment below. We hope to have a surveillance shot or an artist rendition soon ...
Breaking news
Just released, this image of the man, captured by guard dog:

If you have any information regarding this situation, please contact us immediately.
If you know anything about where this strange man comes from and his intent, other than trespassing, please submit a comment below. We hope to have a surveillance shot or an artist rendition soon ...
Breaking news
Just released, this image of the man, captured by guard dog:

If you have any information regarding this situation, please contact us immediately.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Moving along
I am surprised how fast things are moving along. I had my 3rd OB visit and heard the heartbeat on the doppler. The doc was pleased and mentioned having a detailed sonogram at 21-22 weeks since I'd refused the prenatal testing. We'll schedule that next visit. So, I'm doing much better. Everything is fine, and I'm even feeling well most evenings (unlike the last month). I felt the baby move for the first time last night as well. Looking forward to feeling it more often. I think I felt it briefly during Church today, but it was more pronounced last night--after some pie and soda (sugar rush? lol). This puts me at 14.5 weeks for reference. Thanks for your prayers!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Good news and bad?
Well, I'm having a bit of a roller-coaster. Everything seems fine from the sonograms, but I'm still having a bit of bleeding (it's been on and off for a month, but seems to be getting worse, and I've had my worst episode yet on Saturday). This "getting worse" trend precipitated the latest sonogram on Wed. (which otherwise, I wouldn't have had). Since everything looked great, I'm not super-worried, but any bleeding, of course, is a concern, so I've been instructed to stay off my feet and keep them up for the weekend. I suppose I'll go back to the Dr. tomorrow. So please pray that everything is ok and that the bleeding stops and that some of the herbal remedies I've been taking will be helpful and not harmful (kelp and raspberry, which a few friends of mine swear by for such things). For reference, I'm just over 12 weeks, and in the latest sonogram, there was a heartbeat and I did see the baby move. What a relief! I still don't feel anything though.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Good news and general stuff
So, the next blood test is back and the results were negative: meaning that the first test that showed antibody M was a false positive. Basically what this means is that we don't have to worry about my blood attacking the baby's blood--much like an Rh factor issue. Thanks again for your prayers on that one. The Lord is good.
I was reminded that I've never given a due date, although I think from the info I've given one could calculate, but that's too much work. :) Officially according to measurement it's March 10, but according to dates, it's March 3, so I think it's safe to say early March. This puts me at 10.5 weeks.
Other details you may or may not be craving: Yes, I am sick, but not too bad--and it's worse at night and after meals. Not really showing yet, and I've actually lost weight so far (altho I could use to lose more). Yes, we are planning to find out gender when the time comes (20 weeks). No, I'm not planning to go natural. (We're so untraditional.) For various reasons, I think it's a boy, but, hey, I've got a 50/50 chance of being right. We do still have the nursery set up nursery-ish, but we don't have a lot of stuff we kept. I've still got to go through some stuff in the attic and see what we've got (too hot now). Everyone's been great and supportive. I'm really blessed. Other details are probably still to be decided.
I was reminded that I've never given a due date, although I think from the info I've given one could calculate, but that's too much work. :) Officially according to measurement it's March 10, but according to dates, it's March 3, so I think it's safe to say early March. This puts me at 10.5 weeks.
Other details you may or may not be craving: Yes, I am sick, but not too bad--and it's worse at night and after meals. Not really showing yet, and I've actually lost weight so far (altho I could use to lose more). Yes, we are planning to find out gender when the time comes (20 weeks). No, I'm not planning to go natural. (We're so untraditional.) For various reasons, I think it's a boy, but, hey, I've got a 50/50 chance of being right. We do still have the nursery set up nursery-ish, but we don't have a lot of stuff we kept. I've still got to go through some stuff in the attic and see what we've got (too hot now). Everyone's been great and supportive. I'm really blessed. Other details are probably still to be decided.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Update #1 (not much yet)
Just had my latest ob appointment. Looks like it'll be a while before the next sonogram, but things are going fine. Waiting on results from my M antibody titer to make sure it's not going up (please pray that it stays down or goes away--it was so low at 7 weeks, it could have been a false positive). I'm currently at almost 10 weeks. Still a little sick, but not bad at all most days, and I've actually lost a little weight (I needed to!).
Just got this scanned from our 7-week sonogram when we saw and heard the heartbeat, so I thought I'd post it (see the little spine?). Next visit in early September, we get to hear the heartbeat again via a doppler against my tummy. S'all for now. Thanks for the prayers!
Just got this scanned from our 7-week sonogram when we saw and heard the heartbeat, so I thought I'd post it (see the little spine?). Next visit in early September, we get to hear the heartbeat again via a doppler against my tummy. S'all for now. Thanks for the prayers!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
18 years in the making
We're on vacation in lovely Gatlinburg, but I brought my laptop and found some time to post. Good thing, because I have some big, BIG news. Those that know me well know that my husband and I have been infertile for nearly our entire almost–21-year marriage. The Lord had blessed us with one adopted child, and, thankfully, only 1 miscarriage. But that's changed. I'm pleased to announce that, after 18 years of actually pursuing (and nearly giving up on) a biological addition to our family, the Lord has blessed us again: I'm actually pregnant and have seen and heard the baby's heartbeat in a sonogram! Lord willing and provided we have a healthy baby from this, it will truly be the best of both worlds: a baby by adoption and one by birth.
Given our somewhat older ages, this is a bit of a surprise--along the lines of nearly 1/2 Sarah and Abraham, and, so, Rog is considering the name Isaac if it's a boy. :) Given the age factor, we, naturally, are a little concerned about how things will go and covet your prayer for a healthy body for me and a healthy fullterm baby--boy or girl (we don't care!). But nothing is too hard for the Lord, and His timing, as always, is impeccable. May He be glorified through this.
I supposed I'll have occasional updates to post, but feel free to ask whatever between posts. We've got a lot of decisions and work to do over the next few months, and I'll try to keep up. :) Thanks for your prayers!
Given our somewhat older ages, this is a bit of a surprise--along the lines of nearly 1/2 Sarah and Abraham, and, so, Rog is considering the name Isaac if it's a boy. :) Given the age factor, we, naturally, are a little concerned about how things will go and covet your prayer for a healthy body for me and a healthy fullterm baby--boy or girl (we don't care!). But nothing is too hard for the Lord, and His timing, as always, is impeccable. May He be glorified through this.
I supposed I'll have occasional updates to post, but feel free to ask whatever between posts. We've got a lot of decisions and work to do over the next few months, and I'll try to keep up. :) Thanks for your prayers!
Monday, May 25, 2009
The not-so-great flood :)
Things have been a little crazier than usual here recently due to a little flood we had. Our water softener tank cracked and allowed water to continue to pump into it and out into the basement last weekend. Our weekend, and part of our week even, had been devoted to the cleanup process. At least that's part of my excuse for not blogging. Been doing a lot of appointments and end-of-year things as well. I'll put pics of the flood below, but since it's hard to see the water in some shots, I'll post a video, too. Also in the news, Ri needs braces. Sigh. Just when we were hoping to pay everything off. :) Oh, well. I'm sure the economy will be forgiving. Not.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ahh, Springtime
When you think of Springtime, what do you think of? I'll bet kites and flowers are high on the list. Well, in keeping with that, and to update you on my tulip planting of last Fall, enjoy these pictures of Springtime--guaranteed to help you forget your worries of finances and flu. :D
Ri and I jokingly refer to these as my "goth" tulips. I'm not much for dark colors normally, but I just love the "black" tulips (Queen of Night).
Happy Springtime everyone!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I knew I was missing something
Lest my avid readers who by now have already read the latest blog miss this (lol), I meant to also post this audio of Ri singing at church a few weeks ago. Steph used Scripture and put this together, composing and then accompanying Ri. Had a bit of trouble getting it to a format that would play here, but enjoy this first "performance" of this new song.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Winding down
I'm happy to report some of the craziness is over. Ri had her last performance tonight and we can breathe a sigh of relief. She did great--along with the rest of the cast. Here's a picture of her getting on her mic and some other backstage shots (I worked backstage tonight--got to see the play last night with mom). No photos could be taken during the show, but we'll get a professionally recorded DVD in a while. I'll see if i can excerpt from it and post that when I get it.

And an update on Ri's leg. It's so much better, although, ironically, the picture makes it look worse than it is--particularly when the last picture made it look better than it was at the time.

Now all that's left is basketball, piano, and 5th grade play, but we get a bit of a respite between plays. Maybe a bit of time to catch up. :)
And an update on Ri's leg. It's so much better, although, ironically, the picture makes it look worse than it is--particularly when the last picture made it look better than it was at the time.
Now all that's left is basketball, piano, and 5th grade play, but we get a bit of a respite between plays. Maybe a bit of time to catch up. :)
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Well, all I can say is Thank God it’s March. Can’t say I'm unhappy to see February gone. It’s been a bad month generally speaking--and not just because of the weather! (Pics below of our early Feb. snowstorm(s)).

But we made the best of it. :)
During one of the storms, my mom needed to go to the hospital--dehydrated from a nasty stomach virus. And again a few days later when things took longer to clear up than expected.
But then, we did get a chance to go down to the cabin, and although it was cold down there, too, it was a little nicer than home.

And then the following 2 weeks we all fought a nasty head/chest cold. Ri and I are still coughing a little, actually.
And the coupe de gras. Having the vaporizer running in Ri's room for her cough, she bumped it and got a nasty burn on her leg. We were treating it at home, but we thought it was taking a turn for the worst, so we took her to the hospital last night, where they removed the top layer of skin. If you think this looks nasty, you should have seen it with the bad/dead skin still on it. Turns out, we'd done everything all right and she is well on her way to recovery.

This brings me to a prayer request and a praise:
Healing, of course, for the wound, as well as her to be able to get around. It hurts her to walk--I supposed the skin moves and stretches, and it's very raw. We're not quite sure how things are going to work at school this week.
Now the praise: when this happened, it was bedtime, and Rog was out working in the back garage. I had gone out to ask him to come in to pray with her. Poor Ri had pulled off her wet, burning pajama pants and put a cool wet cloth in it on her own before I came back in and realized what had happened. We figure God had helped her know just what to do to keep it from getting worse, rather than waiting for me to come back in and giving the burning longer to cause more damage. And the hospital said it really looked good considering.
So, hopefully March will be better, and we will be able to blog a bit more and stay well. Hope everyone else had a better February, and is looking forward to Spring! :)
But we made the best of it. :)
During one of the storms, my mom needed to go to the hospital--dehydrated from a nasty stomach virus. And again a few days later when things took longer to clear up than expected.
But then, we did get a chance to go down to the cabin, and although it was cold down there, too, it was a little nicer than home.
And then the following 2 weeks we all fought a nasty head/chest cold. Ri and I are still coughing a little, actually.
And the coupe de gras. Having the vaporizer running in Ri's room for her cough, she bumped it and got a nasty burn on her leg. We were treating it at home, but we thought it was taking a turn for the worst, so we took her to the hospital last night, where they removed the top layer of skin. If you think this looks nasty, you should have seen it with the bad/dead skin still on it. Turns out, we'd done everything all right and she is well on her way to recovery.
This brings me to a prayer request and a praise:
Healing, of course, for the wound, as well as her to be able to get around. It hurts her to walk--I supposed the skin moves and stretches, and it's very raw. We're not quite sure how things are going to work at school this week.
Now the praise: when this happened, it was bedtime, and Rog was out working in the back garage. I had gone out to ask him to come in to pray with her. Poor Ri had pulled off her wet, burning pajama pants and put a cool wet cloth in it on her own before I came back in and realized what had happened. We figure God had helped her know just what to do to keep it from getting worse, rather than waiting for me to come back in and giving the burning longer to cause more damage. And the hospital said it really looked good considering.
So, hopefully March will be better, and we will be able to blog a bit more and stay well. Hope everyone else had a better February, and is looking forward to Spring! :)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Christmas Miscellany
So, my evil plan worked. Blog snubbing. Don't post a blog in a while and see if it gets others moving (hint, hint) lol, and it worked!
Heh, heh, yeah it's late. Not much to report here either, altho there's plenty to fulminate about, but we'll just post some fun pics from the holidays.

10 guesses as to who the baby is! :)

Roger opening his "surprise" gift--athough we still didn't give him the big green egg until later.

Roger's "gag" gift to us. We gave the octopus to the dog and just about gagged doing so lol.

Christmas at the Smiths

Like father, like son.

An "interesting person" at the CM. :)
More to fulminate about later, but we'll let these air for a while. :)
Happy not-so-new year to all!
Heh, heh, yeah it's late. Not much to report here either, altho there's plenty to fulminate about, but we'll just post some fun pics from the holidays.
10 guesses as to who the baby is! :)
Roger opening his "surprise" gift--athough we still didn't give him the big green egg until later.
Roger's "gag" gift to us. We gave the octopus to the dog and just about gagged doing so lol.
Christmas at the Smiths
Like father, like son.
An "interesting person" at the CM. :)
More to fulminate about later, but we'll let these air for a while. :)
Happy not-so-new year to all!
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